Is there truly a higher standard for politicians?

In another video featuring a prominent GOP House Representative, Lauren Boebert of Colorado made an inflammatory statement against fellow Representative Ilhan Omar regarding the January 6 riot. However, in this instance, the blowback was not as bad as Rep Gosar received for his video against Rep Ocasio Cortez. Boebert was accused of making an Islamaphobic comment in the video and was altogether not an unsurprising move for the Republican from Colorado. So when Gosar made his video, he was censored in the House, whereas Boebert has not received any for of professional reprimand from party leaders. While Rep Omar has repeatedly asked for a public apology, probably on social media, Boebert maintains her innocence and is quite honestly being shielded from having to do so by GOP leadership. Will representatives ever truly be held accountable for their statements made against colleagues? Only time will tell.


  1. Instances like this one exemplify the real problems that people of other faiths experience in this country. The discrimination by the GOP, and their unwillingness to hold their party members accountable is completely unacceptable. Especially, when we live in a country with a secular constitution.


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